Monday, August 17, 2009

A day with Micah!

7:30am: I went from 8:00pm until 5:45am without a feeding! Mommy was very proud of me!

After stretching and waking up, Mommy changed my diaper and put a fresh onesie on me! I like being naked!

8:00am: It is playtime. I love playing with my elephant head and my monkey head and touching my soft blankie!
8:30am: Feed time. Yummy! I am still not tired, so Mommy puts me on my playmat. I can really grasp the monkey now!
9:30am: Naptime for me! I am sleepy after all that playing!

11:45am: I wake up from my long nap hungry so it is time for lunch. Daddy comes home and plays with me during his lunch break and then after he leaves Mommy reads to me. This little piggy....

I practice sitting up and talking. I am really vocalizing now, especially when Mommy or Daddy talk to me!

1:45pm: Time for another nap! I sleep for about an hour and after another feed (2:45pm), Mommy puts me in the stroller and we visit my friend Evan across the street!

After we visit with the neighbors, Mommy makes sure I have tummy time. This is tiring work, but I am really holding my head up now!

4:15pm: Time for another nap before the evening. Mommy feeds me at 5:00pm and then I play until about 6:30pm. Mommy puts me in the car seat and we travel to a lady's house for a baby shower hosted by the Stillwater Music Teachers. I am really the star of the evening and laughed and cooed. I think Mommy was impressed with how good I was. I got some board books and toys that will be fun to play with tomorrow. On the way home, I fall asleep. Mommy feeds me and puts me to bed where I eventually go to asleep by 8:30pm. Good night!

Mommy had punch and yummy cake with fresh fruit.


  1. Did you ever find your sunglass lens?!
    Micah, you are getting too big!!

  2. No I didn't! That was so funny with your girls!
