Sunday, September 13, 2009

Visit with Great-Grandpa

This weekend we went to McAlester and it was a rewarding trip, but exhausting! Micah has been fussy this week and of course traveling never helps with that. On Saturday we went to see Brent's Grandpa. Four generations of men!

Micah laughing at his mommy! He was such a good boy during that visit-especially considering how long he went without a nap!

Micah laughing for his Daddy!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Visit with Aubry

My student Aubry gave Micah a Cowboy hat that she had when she was younger. He will grow into I am sure!

Visit to OKC

Last Friday I took Micah to OKC to see my friend Rachael and her baby Noah, who is 9 weeks older than Micah. We had so much fun! Micah did really great and both babies even napped at the same time for two whole hours! After their naps and we had fed them, we walked them in their strollers to Walgreens through the Moore "wilderness." It was fun to go up and down the aisles without needing to buy anything. We bought Cokes and nail polish. On the way home however, Micah fell apart (he was done with being in a car seat!) but finally fell asleep exhausted. Poor baby!

The babies playing on their individual blankets~

Baby Noah with his face covered in peaches!